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Wii coding supposedly "cheap"

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1Wii coding supposedly "cheap" Empty Wii coding supposedly "cheap" 4/27/2014, 9:26 am



You know these kids who claim that specifically Wii coding / hacking is easy / cheap? The exploits and codes may be easy to apply, but what creating them? Neutral

It's nearly the same as coding everything else and a pathetic excuse for sucking / not being able to do it themselves, lol.

The minor power of a console / device doesn't mean anything about the difficulty of the coding. Either you're skilled and can do that and many other things quickly or shitty and can do nothing. Wink

Honestly, due to the lack of common sense in homebrew development kits or PPC assembly it's even harder than something like Java which has been discussed to death online so that basically any n00b can copy his favorite program together almost without using his / her own brain *cough* stackoverflow *cough*.

It does not exist for the Wii, stuff has to be found the "hard" way. It took me 2 - 3 years to get good at making gecko codes, but not even 1 for Java. Rolling Eyes

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